Accueil Matelas Are You Trying To Lose Weight? It Could Be Your Irregular Sleep...

Are You Trying To Lose Weight? It Could Be Your Irregular Sleep Schedule

New research shows that people who don’t have a consistent bedtime are more likely than others to gain weight or suffer from high blood pressure.

These findings are from the Duke Clinical Research Institute. Dr. Jessica Lunsford Avery led the research team that examined the effects of nighttime habits on health. They monitored the sleep patterns of 1,978 adults.

Researchers analyzed the data and discovered that people with irregular sleeping patterns weighed more and had higher blood pressure. They also were at greater risk for a heart attack.

We reached out to Dr. Lunsford Avery to get more information, but she declined to talk to us. Duke University released a statement that provided some insight.

Maybe obesity is what causes irregular sleep. Research suggests that poor sleep can cause weight gain by interfering with the body’s metabolism. We hope to learn more about biological processes and be able to predict the future.

Dr. Dr. Lunsford Avery stated that regularity is the best indicator of cardiovascular and metabolic disease risk. Data also revealed that irregular sleepers were more active during the day than their more alert peers.

Researchers plan to continue investigating the topic of sleep consistency by continuing to observe subjects for longer periods of observation.

Are you having trouble determining your bedtime? Use our Sleep Calculator to help you find your bedtime!

A Better Sleep Routine

We’ve done a lot of research in the past year on how much sleep is necessary to feel well-rested and healthy, but this is the first time we’ve seen any that focuses on getting our Zzzs.

It makes perfect sense.Experts in sleep have said for years that one’s internal clock is a major factor in how one slumbers.. This is the idea that you will be able to find a rhythm that works for you and your body. Dr.Lunsford Avery and her team stress that it’s not about getting to sleep at the same time as others, but rather finding a time that works for you.

Are you unsure where to begin? You don’t know where to start? Take a look at our ultimate guide for setting up a bedtime routine for children. It highlights the best bedtime habits for all ages, such as putting away electronics and relaxing before you go to bed.