Accueil Matelas How To Train Your Back To Sleep

How To Train Your Back To Sleep

While the position of your bed is not the most important thing when it comes to sleep, it may be the most important. They not only affect your comfort, but also your overall health. It’s like this: The position you are in when you sleep affects how you feel the next day.

Your preferred sleeping position can be determined by a variety of factors, such as your gender, age, and any pre-existing joint or back conditions. Medical experts shared their opinions on how to sleep on your back. They said there is no right or wrong way to sleep, but that back sleeping is the best.

Please note: Although the content of Sleepopolis is intended to be informative, it should not replace medical advice and supervision by your healthcare provider. You should immediately consult a professional if you suspect you might have a sleep disorder or other medical condition.

How To Train Yourself To Sleep On Your Back

Dr. Rick Swartzburg is a chiropractor and mattress designer who says you can learn to sleep on your stomach. It is possible to reap the health benefits of back sleeping, even if you are naturally inclined to sleep on your stomach or side. Here are some tips:

You Should Make Sure That You Get The Best Mattress

First, ensure you have a firm surface for sleeping. While plush mattresses can be great for side sleepers and back sleepers alike, they can make you feel like you’re sinking into your mattress. Choose a mattress with less or more firmness. Dr. Swartzburg warns that you will only see the postural benefits if the mattress is firm enough to support your back and if the mattress has more support for your heavy hips. This will prevent any hammocking which can lead to poor spinal alignment. While innerspring and latex mattresses are the most suitable for back sleepers (but there are also good memory foam options).

Choose the best pillows

A pillow or mattress topper can make a mattress more comfortable. Be aware that if your mattress is already very firm, you may end up elevating your neck with a good pillow. You should look for a pillow with a medium loft or one that allows you to add and remove filling to adjust its loft.

Try different options to make your neck and head feel more natural. Sometimes a simple roll-up towel can be more comfortable than a pillow.

Placing a pillow underneath your knees

A pillow under your knees may be a good option. In some cases, you can also use a pillow underneath your lower back. This can relieve the pressure on your lower back and can reduce the chance that you will roll over or change your sleeping position during the night.

Spread Your Legs And Arms Out.

You don’t have to lie on your back if you want to feel like you are in a casket or the soldier position. If you find it more comfortable, spread your arms and legs. Doing so can help to relieve pressure points and will allow you to get up without stiffness or creakiness. The starfish position involves bending your arms and spreading your legs.

Make A Pillow Fort

A pillow fort is a great way to remind your body its limits. To remind your body not to turn over on the stomach or side, place pillows around your body. You can also place pillows underneath your arms to provide additional support. This will hold your body in place while keeping your shoulders elevated.

A Weighted Blanket Is A Good Option.

Some people don’t like the idea of sleeping under a blanket. It can be quite comforting if you have never tried it. The blanket’s weight can hold your body in one place, which makes it easier to maintain a comfortable sleeping position throughout the night.

Be Patient With Your Self

It is not something you can do overnight. You can change your sleeping habits over time if you persevere.

Benefits Of Sleeping On Your Back

Encourages Spinal Alignment

The benefits of back sleeping are natural and healthy. This can help reduce stiffness, aches and pains when you wake up each morning. This is especially true when you sleep with a pillow between your knees, and the right pillow. A pillow placed under your knees helps reduce stress on your back, while a good pillow supports your head and preserves your natural curve.

Dr. Gil Kentof, founder of the Dr. Gil Center For Back, Neck, And Chronic Pain Relief, says that sleeping on your back has many benefits for your spinal health. This allows your spine muscles to be more relaxed, and it allows for better alignment of your neck, mid, and lower back. People with lower back pain may find it helpful to place a pillow underneath the knees, so the knees are slightly bent.

Reduce Chronic Pain And Inflammation

Chronic pain conditions can be relieved by back sleeping, which reduces pressure and compression. These include arthritis-related joint pain and other inflammatory conditions. Dr. Vikram Tarugu, Detox of South Florida says that if you lie down on your back, your weight will be evenly distributed and will distribute throughout your body’s largest region. This reduces tension.

Dr. Gil Kentof says that sleeping on your back has the added benefit of reducing pressure on your hip joints and shoulders. Because patients often develop shoulder tendinitis and hip bursitis after years of sleeping on one side of their bodies, it is better to sleep on their backs.

Finally, Dr. Hiral Surana (PT), Cofounder ofTRIO Physiotherapy, tells us that lying on your back prevents you from developing Frozen Shoulder and Adhesive Capsulitis in colder temperatures.

Sinus Inflammation Is Relieved

For those with sinus pressure or allergies, sleeping on your back may be a good option.With an elevated neck and headThis helps them to breathe easier. This is because mucus tends accumulate in the sinuses at nights, especially if your head is in a down position.

Dr. Tarugu suggests that people sleep on pillows with their heads elevated so that the head remains above the heart. This will decrease the amount of blood that pools in the nose.

Enhances Skin Quality

Sleeping on your back is the best way to avoid wrinkles in the neck and face. It prevents the skin being compressed by pillows or patterned sheets.

Because the skin is stretched, compressed and tightened, it is more likely that sleep wrinkles form while side or stomach sleeping. Many dermatologists recommend that you sleep back.

Dr. Kemunto Mkaya, a board-certified dermatologist and author based in Knoxville (TN), says that sleeping on the back can reduce skin irritation and breakouts.

Dr. Mokaya explained that sleeping on our backs reduces contact with germ-containing pillowcases. Because the pillowcases are not absorbed with dirt and germs, it causes less skin irritation and breakouts.

There Are Down Sides To Sleeping On Your Back

There are many benefits to sleeping on your stomach, but there are also potential dangers.

Back sleepers should be aware that the tongue can sometimes block the breathing tube. This is not a major problem for healthy people, but it can pose a serious risk to those with sleep apnea.

Another thing to consider is that snoring may be more common if you sleep on your back. This can cause problems for your partner or spouse, as well as disrupting your sleep.

Last Word From Sleepopolis

Everyone has their own preferences and comfort levels when it comes to the best sleeping position. Don’t let your routines and habits stop you from sleeping the best possible. Many people think that this means getting back to sleep. Even if it isn’t something you naturally do, it is definitely something you can do.