Accueil Matelas Sleep Calculator For Kids: Best Sleep And Wake Times For Children

Sleep Calculator For Kids: Best Sleep And Wake Times For Children

As a parent, it is important to ensure your child gets enough sleep. It’s also one the most difficult. To get the rest of their Zzzs, it takes effort and time for children to learn to fall asleep and stay asleep in their own beds. It is not an easy task as children can need up to 16 hours sleep each night (including naps), depending upon their age. ()

Insufficient sleep is more than the hours that they spend sleeping. Healthy and normal shuteye considers the quality, duration, and timing of their Zzzs. It is important to make sure your child gets enough sleep. However, it can be difficult to know how much they should be getting. We have created a special sleep calculator that can help you determine how much sleep your child is getting.

The sleep calculator for kids and babies is very easy to use. Simply enter the time your child should wake up and the calculator will give you a range of bedtimes that they can get enough sleep to allow them to complete their sleep cycles.

Parents: Check out our adult sleep calculator app!

Time for bedCalculator

Choose the Age of Your Child:

Select Their Wake Time

Not to be confused with medical advice or supervision by a trained professional, any tips and tricks on Sleepopolis should be considered informative. Although sleep cycles are an important factor to discuss with your child, they should not be the only thing that affects a good night’s sleep.

Why Is Calculating Sleep Important For Kids?

Children need to sleep a lot.Children’s healthy growth is dependent on sleep. It helps to develop attention, memory, and behavior as well as supporting mental and physical health.. () () Scientists have shown that sleep is important for memory consolidation and cognitive growth, even as early as infancy. ()

Children sleep differently. They fall asleep earlier than adults and they doze off more often.They also experience a 60 minute sleep cycleAn adult’s typical sleep cycle lasts 90 minutes. This is a key difference: Your child will experience very fast sleep cycles, which means that they will be able to return to stage 1 and 2, and may be more easily disturbed during the night.

Kids Sleep Cycles

You might be wondering what a sleep cycle is. Here’s a quick overview. Our bodies go through waves when we fall asleep. These are called sleep cycles. Five cycles are total. These waves can be completed in as little as 90 minutes for adults, but they can be completed in half the time for kids.


Our non-rapid eyes movement (NREM), which is the first four stages, and our rapid eye movement sleep (REM) are the fifth stage. NREM sleep is a light sleep that gradually builds to deeper sleep. REM is when our eyes move up and down, which is the most common time that dreaming takes place.

Here’s how to explain sleep cycles to your child if they are old enough.

One Cycle With 5 Stages And 60 Minutes In Total!

NREM Stages 1+2: This is where you fall asleep. Stages 1+2 (NREM), when you are still falling asleep, and it is easy to get up. Your breathing is slower and your body is very still.
Stage 5 (REM), Your brain is active, and you start dreaming! Your eyes also move.

Furthermore, as we ageThe amount of sleep that we need to fall asleep is decreasingThese lighter sleep cycles are also associated with a shorter life expectancy. By the age of three, 33% of our sleeping time is considered light. Only 20% of our sleep time is light by the age of 13. This is good news. It means that kids will be less likely to wake up from outside noises as they get older.

This handy guide will tell you how many hours your child needs to sleep depending on their age. The key to this calculator is your age. ()

  • Newborns: 14-17 Hours
  • Children: 12-15 Hours
  • For toddlers, 11-14 hours
  • Pre-Schoolers: 10- 13 hours
  • School-Aged Children: 9-11 Hours
  • Teenagers: 8-10 Hours

Bedroom Routines For Kids

It is half the battle to understand how important sleep is to your child. It’s another task to get them to sleep. It is usually easier to get your child to sleep if they have a consistent bedtime routine. They are important for your child’s overall development and well-being.A nightly routine is believed to be supportive of eMotional and behavioral growth, language and literacy development, and improved literacy. There are so many benefits to bedtime

A consistent routine can make putting your child to sleep a pleasant and easy process. These are steps you can take together with your child before it is time to go to bed.

Start With Food

So, our sleep habits can be affected by our metabolic processes.Before bed, pay attention to what your children are drinking and eating..

() It is recommended that you eat dinner at least 2 hours before going to bed. Night-time food can have a negative impact on your sleep quality. ()

Complex carbohydrates are the best food for sleeping (think whole wheat bread and crackers), and tryptophan-containing foods like peanuts, cheese and cheese. Research also shows that milk, fruits and vegetables promote sleep. () Keep your child wired by avoiding sugary sweets. ()

The Stage

You can set your child up for shuteye success by creating a comfortable bedroom environment. Their bedroom should be dark. To block out light, consider using blackout curtains or heavy curtains. You should also keep the room cool; try to maintain a temperature of 60-18 C. Many parents are trying to make their children’s bedrooms screen-free. Experts recommend that parents replace any tablet, smartphone, TV, or computer with a child-friendly bookcase. ()

Get Ready To Sleep!

Your child should have a relaxing bedtime routine with fun and enjoyable activities. You can give your child some activities that they can do, depending on their age. For example, they could pick out their own pajamas or choose a book to read. Warm baths, brushing your teeth, and sharing a book are all good ways to relax and have fun. Parents may offer incentives and rewards to children who follow the routine and stay in bed until the morning if they aren’t interested. A little bit of gold star can make a big difference.

Your child should know that sleep is a vital skill. This sleep calculator is for adolescents and toddlers. You can also use it to generate back-to-school sleep schedules for your teenager. It might be fun to use the calculator together with your child and make them more eager to get on the bed. You might also be curious about how many hours I slept. All that data can be found at our adult sleep calculator.


  1. Take the time to sleep. Learn about sleep education.

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